
发布于2023-05-12 23:45:41 24VS直播
导读 詹姆斯回家信英文怎么写,24VS体育讯 LeBronJames'HomecomingLetterDearCleveland,1.AJourneyAwayfromHomeIt'sbeenalongjourneysinceIleftClevelandfouryearsago.I'vehadsomeamazingexperiences,wonch

LeBron James' Homecoming Letter

Dear Cleveland,

1. A Journey Away from Home

It's been a long journey since I left Cleveland four years ago. I've had some amazing experiences, won championships, and grew as a player and a person. But no matter where I went or what I achieved, I always felt a sense of longing for home.

That's why I'm writing this letter today, to let you know that I'm coming back. I'm coming back to Cleveland to finish what I started, to bring a championship to this city, and to make a difference in the lives of the people who have always supported me.

2. A New Chapter Begins

It won't be easy. There will be challenges and obstacles along the way. But I'm ready for them. I'm ready to work hard, to give my all, and to be a leader on and off the court. I'm ready to embrace the community, to be a part of it, and to help it grow and thrive.

My decision to come back wasn't easy, but it was the right one. I listened to my heart, to my family, and to my friends. I talked to my teammates, my coaches, and the front office. I weighed my options, my goals, and my values. And in the end, I knew that Cleveland was the place where I belonged.

3. A Promise to Keep

I want to thank the Miami Heat and their fans for the incredible journey we had together. I will always cherish the memories and the lessons I learned there. But now, it's time for a new chapter, a new challenge, and a new promise to keep.

I promise to give everything I have to Cleveland, on and off the court. I promise to be a role model, a mentor, and a friend to the young players who will follow in my footsteps. I promise to be a voice for the community, to use my platform to make a positive impact, and to never forget where I came from.

Thank you for welcoming me back. Thank you for your support, your passion, and your loyalty. Let's make history together.


LeBron James



