
发布于2023-09-02 00:50:29 24VS直播
导读 奥登怎么伤的,24VS体育讯 奥登怎么伤的ErnestHemingwayoncesaid,"Theworldbreakseveryone,andafterward,somearestrongatthebrokenplaces."ThisquoteperfectlyencapsulatesthelifeofAmericanaut


Ernest Hemingway once said, "The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places." This quote perfectly encapsulates the life of American author, poet, and playwright, Dorothy Parker. Parker, famously known by her pen name, "Dottie," was a woman of immense talent and wit, but she was also plagued by personal demons that ultimately led to her downfall. In this article, we will explore how Dorothy Parker was hurt and broken by the world around her.

1. Childhood Trauma

Dorothy Parker's childhood was marked by trauma and tragedy. Her mother died when she was just four years old, and her father remarried a woman who was abusive towards her. Parker never felt loved or accepted by her stepmother, and this had a lasting impact on her emotional well-being. She later wrote, "I cannot write of my childhood without connecting it with my unhappiness then and my unhappiness now."

2. Failed Relationships

Parker's personal life was tumultuous, to say the least. She was married three times, and each marriage ended in divorce. Her first husband, Edwin Pond Parker II, was physically abusive towards her, and her second husband, Alan Campbell, was a closeted homosexual. Her third marriage, to actor-writer, Alan Campbell, was marked by infidelity and alcoholism. Parker once said, "I might repeat to myself, slowly and soothingly, a list of quotations beautiful from minds profound; if I can remember any of the damn things."

3. Alcoholism

Parker was a heavy drinker, and her alcoholism only exacerbated her personal problems. She once said, "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy." Her drinking led to a number of health problems, including cirrhosis of the liver and a heart attack. In her later years, Parker became a recluse and was often found drinking alone in her hotel room.

4. Political Persecution

Parker was an outspoken critic of the government and was blacklisted during the McCarthy era. She was accused of being a communist sympathizer and was forced to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee. Parker refused to name names and was subsequently blacklisted from Hollywood. She once said, "I don't care what is written about me so long as it isn't true."

5. Legacy

Despite the hardships she faced, Dorothy Parker left behind a lasting legacy. She was a prolific writer, and her works continue to be celebrated today. Parker was known for her sharp wit and biting humor, and her poetry and short stories are still studied in schools and universities around the world. She once said, "I hate writing, I love having written."

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, Dorothy Parker was a woman who was hurt and broken by the world around her. Her childhood trauma, failed relationships, alcoholism, and political persecution all took their toll on her emotional well-being. However, despite her struggles, Parker left behind a legacy that will continue to inspire and entertain future generations.



